Friday, April 8, 2011

Man Jobs

About three years ago I was having a conversation with my good friend who had recently moved in with her boyfriend. She was explaining to me the concept of "Man Jobs," that is, jobs that only men should do and that she would not touch with a 10-foot pole. As we both hold degrees in anthropology I decided to dork up the conversation by ridiculing her for creating such a rigid gendered division of labor in her household and thought surely that there should be a much more relaxed approach to divvying up chores. One and half years into my domestic partnership (which is really just PC fancy speak to say that I'm living in sin with my boyfriend), I have learned that instating Man Jobs are the way to go. Here are a few examples:

1. Garbage

Garbage day is Friday and it has to be dropped off miles away (OK...maybe just 1/2 mile) and BEFORE 8 am but not prior to 6 am. I contribute to this task by waking my boyfriend up around 7:45 on Fridays to remind him to drive the smelly garbage down the hill in exchange for returning to a hot cup of tea.

2. Resetting the Internet

Most technology-related duties fall under Man Jobs and almost everything having to do with the Internet does. This includes the whole installing the internet which, in our case, turned into learning how to get internet in two households while only paying for it in one (note: one wireless router is not an option). Because of APUA's absolutely sh*tty internet service and the sketchy internet arrangement outlined above, the DSL modem does not reside in our house but rather is miles uphill (OK...maybe just 1/16 of a mile, but still uphill) and needs to be reset at least every other day. My boyfriend needs to work off all the food I cook for him (Girl Job), so naturally this task falls on him.

3. Watering the Plants

I'm not quite sure how this one worked out, but it has become a Man Job to water my vegetable garden.

4. Fixing the Parisian Shower

We have a Parisian Shower. A Parisian Shower is one that does not drain properly. It is a Man Job to try to figure out why and fix said problem. Tonight the attempts to fix the Parisian Shower have included sticking a wire down the drain to see if something is blocking the U-bend, realizing something is blocking the drain but it supposedly is a "cap" that is meant to block large items from going down the drain and blocking the U-bend, and using the Leatherman to try to remove the stupid cap. None of these have been successful. Tomorrow's attempts will include drilling a hole in the cap and seeing if that provides access to potential debris in the U-bend.

In summation, Man Jobs help to keep the house in order and allow me to play Wii while waiting for my shower to get fixed.

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