Classics is in full swing here and the Concours d'Elegance has already happened and prizes have been awarded. Maltese Falcon got three stars.
This is a self-appointed 3 stars and clearly Maltese Falcon does not find herself worthy of 5 stars, so let's try to figure out what's holding her back.
First, her masts are obviously too tall. Look at them. Tall masts are beneficial but there is a fine line between tall and too tall. You don't want to look like you've got a Napoleon complex, Maltese Falcon.
Second, these lines on the mast between these spreader-type things are too few and far between. How are you supposed to climb on them? They hold great potential to be fun and offer a whole new aspect of "extreme" sailing, but they're not quite there yet.
Third, look at all these oil drums. Especially those three ugly ones. That can result in minus three stars Maltese Falcon! Don't leave that shit lying around when you want to look good.
Finally, your red light up there on your middle mast doesn't really match with the rest of your decor. How about a blue light? Or another star? That would go so much better with your sleek design. Red lights can send the wrong message too. Are you open for "business" or just trying to let other boats know where you are at night? I think we all know what you're really saying and that type of behavior is frowned upon young lady! Let's put the "class" back into "Classics."
With a few small changes, I think Maltese Falcon will be able to revamp her style to come out stronger for next year's Classics.
UPDATE: I'm beginning to think Maltese Falcon isn't even TRYING to win Classics. She hasn't left the dock all week. You can't win a race if you don't try. And she doesn't even have her red light on tonight! Maybe she's closed for business?
UPDATE #2: Oh! There's a part at Abra's tonight. Clearly Maltese Falcon doesn't feel the need to compete with the shenanigans that will ensue.
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